Reviews, Reports + Comments

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Report on DVD release: “DOWN TO EARTH”

2001, 07-22:

Report on DVD release: DOWN TO EARTH

[2nd DVD commentary:]  This is "a story of a premature reincarnation".  I really “wanted” to like this film, [based on how much I’d enjoyed] Warren Beatty's fine "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" [concerning reincarnation] involving a guy sent back to earth in someone else's body...

...  A blurb on the DVD jacket quotes a guy with Fox-TV [named Shawn Edwards] who supposedly said, “The funniest man in America [CHRIS ROCK] will have you laughing until it hurts."...  Well it HURT all right, but not from laughing:
...  This [to me] is an amazingly UN-funny film— poorly written & distractingly acted by Rock, who — unlike some of his co-stars such as the man who plays his ex-agent -- seldom reaIly "RELATES" to his co-actors...

...  His character is supposed to be a stand-up comedian-- but, he's more "sit-down (PLEASE!)” as he carries that personna [acting like he’s “ONSTAGE” all the time] into virtually every scene, to the point that you don't "believe (much less CARE about) the character he plays...

...  The idea (of a young black man spewing gross-out remarks from the body of an old white guy) may have appeared funny on “PAPER”--  but it doesn't come across effectively on-screen here...

...  Rock has done some funny work [in his career – but I found this performance very OFF-PUTTING, &] THIS 4-star film ISN’T one of [those good efforts]!...

...  (The DVD version offers exclusive cast & crew interviews"— but, [given my negative reaction to the movie], I didn't care to take the time to try to see them...)

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= = =         …  ( <>  ^  <> )  ...

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